Standard Address Match Codes

These match codes help you understand how an address was standardized.

The first character, an alphabet element, describes the type of match found.

The two- or three-digit numeric (or hexadecimal) element of the code provides detailed information about the match.

Match Codes When a Match Is Found

When a match is found, the codes returned contain the following:

  • The first character, an alphabet element, describes the type of match found.
  • The two- or three-digit numeric (or hexadecimal) element of the code provides detailed information about the match.

Match Codes When No Match Is Found

The Ennn code indicates an error or no match. This code is returned when the address entered either did not exist in the GeoStan Directory, or the address was malformed and could not be parsed correctly. The last three digits of an error code (i.e., nnn) indicate which parts of an address did not find a match in the GeoStan Directory.