Potential Vs Potential Report

The Potential Vs Potential report compares the usage profiles for two products or services side-by-side. Information on the two products is reported for one or more selected analysis areas. The report provides counts and calculations and a Market Potential Index.

For each profile in your report, the two Market Potential Index values are compared. An index greater than 100 is considered “high” potential. The report separates the analysis areas based on the overlap of high or low market potential as follows:

  • Similar high market potential: High/High

    If the market potential for both profiles is above 100 (high/high), the households/adults in the analysis are more likely consumers of both products and services, indicating a high potential for cross-selling, reaching prospects, etc. For example, a high/high correlation between purchasers of expensive watches (>$300) and readers of “Scientific American” magazine could indicate good potential for advertising a new watch with high-tech features.

  • Different market potential: High/Low or Low/High

    If the market potential for one profile is above 100, but the other is lower (high/low or low/high), the households/adults are less likely to engage in both usage behaviors. The potential for cross-selling, advertising and/or product extensions may not be favorable.

  • Similar low market potential: Low/Low

    If the market potential for both profiles is low, the households/adults show less propensity to purchase either product or service.

You can select any combination of custom profiles or syndicated profiles in a single report.

Below are the common uses of the Potential vs. Potential report:

  • Identify opportunities for cross-selling a product or service.
  • Identify profile behaviors, such as media preference, that can be used to reach potential users of another product or service.
  • Identify analysis areas that have high market potential for both products and services.
  • Compare usage patterns for two products in one or more analysis areas.
  • View each analysis area’s usage and potential data (household counts, consumption frequency, market share and calculations).
  • Rank the potential for both products and services in one or more analysis areas.
  • Create an analysis area based on high potential for the two profiles. You can use the profiled analysis area for further research and reporting.

To generate the Potential Vs Potential report, you need to perform the following:

  1. Select a segmentation system and a base.
  2. Select two profiles to compare in your report.
  3. Select a geography or an analysis area and the level of detail to include in your report.

NOTE:  Depending on the level of detail that you select, you may need to define your component geography, the method by which you want to include the geography, and other additional options.

  1. Specify the report output type and report name.

To Learn More:

Potential vs Potential Report - Interpretation & Calculations