Retail Market Power Report: Define the Report Sections, Generation Method, Output Format, and Report Name

On the screen similar to the one shown below, specify your desired report sections to include, the report output format, your preferred notification method once the report has been generated, and the report generation method.

NOTE:  Note: If you select One Report per Area as the report generation method, the following special characters cannot be used in the report name: * | ' / \ ”

(Optional) You can also set to include a map in your report.

NOTE:  The Step number assignment that displays on top of the screen and the available options may differ depending on your selections on the previous screen, your device, and/or your screen resolution.

After verifying your selections, click Next to proceed.

You can view the report generation status and the generated report on the My Jobs screen.

To Learn More:

Retail Market Power Report Generation - Walkthrough

Retail Market Power Report - Interpretation & Calculations

What's Next:

Create an Analysis Area Around a Location