Retail Market Power Report

The Claritas Retail Market Power report enables you to view sales opportunities for market analysis to maximize growth strategies by depicting the sales gaps that exist in the marketplace. By using sales potential to depict supply and geography-based estimates of potential annual consumer expenditures to depict demand, Retail Market Power® enables an opportunity gap analysis of the retail environment. You can include aggregate totals, component totals or both for the selected analysis areas.

You can use the report to:

  • Identify the opportunity gap or surplus by merchandise line item or retail store type within an analysis area.
  • View the Demand (Consumer Expenditures) and Supply (Retail Sales) by merchandise line item or retail store type within an analysis area.
  • Identify the merchandise lines or retail stores types with the best potential for growth over the next five years

To generate the Retail Market Power report, you need to perform the following:

  1. Select a geography or an analysis area, and the level of detail to include in your report.

NOTE:  Depending on the level of detail that you select, you may need to define your component geography, the method by which you want to include the geography, and other additional options.

  1. Define the report sections to include, the report generation method, the output format, your preferred notification method once the report has been generated, and the report name.

To Learn More:

Retail Market Power Report Generation - Walkthrough

Retail Market Power Report - Interpretation & Calculations