Marketscape™: Save Settings and/or Project
The Save Settings/Project feature found in the submenu offers the following three separate functions that can be executed all at the same time or individually:
On the submenu click the Save
Select any or all of the following options:
Save current viewport - This option allows you to define the default view that loads when you access Marketscape or click Zoom to Extent
. The parameters that are saved are the currently displayed latitude and longitude values which correspond to the center of the map view window and the zoom level selected.
Restore default viewport - This option will reset the default view and zoom level of Marketscape to what was defined when you were initially given access to the system.
Save Current Settings - This function will save all the parameters defined on the Data Settings, Map Settings and Map Query tabs and will be retrieved when you first access Marketscape. This would include the data type, geography level, indicator, map color palette, distribution method, custom ranges if defined, any border or label options as well as the query parameters.
Restore system settings - This option will reset the parameters defined on the Data Settings, Map Settings and Map Query tabs to what was defined when you were initially given access to the system.
Save Project
Marketscape allows you to save the current view of your map, together with all your Data Settings, Map Settings and Map Query for later retrieval.
Create a new project
Select the Save Project check box.
Select Save new project. Provide a name in the text field.
Click Save.
Save changes to a current project (i.e. map)
Select the Save Project check box.
Select Save current project.
Click Save.
Click Save.
Once options are successfully saved, you will get an Operation Complete message.
Load a Previously Saved Marketscape Map
Click My Projects from the menu on top of the page.
(Optional) Click the Marketscape tab on the My Projects page to limit the list of projects to Marketscape projects. This step is useful if you have a lot of saved projects from different modules.
From the list of projects, click
icon under the Action column for the Marketscape map you want to load.