Target Segment Measure Report

The Target Segment Measures report displays detailed profile data on demographics, media preferences and lifestyle characteristics for a selected target and/or its segments.

After using segment and usage profiles to determine the custom or syndicated targets you need to reach, use the Target Segment Measures report to:

  • Identify other products and services your targets purchase or use.
  • Identify where the targets eat, shop, travel, and play.
  • Identify the most effective media to reach the targets.
  • Tailor your message based on the targets’ high usage or level of interest in other products or activities.
  • View and rank target usage data for multiple target groups and/or segments side-by-side.
  • Compare details for a wide range of profile activities for each target and/or segment side-by-side.
  • Apply different Sort options to arrange profile data by count, concentration, user per 100 households, or indexes.

The report displays all data for any category of profile (product usage, lifestyle, etc.) with counts and calculations.

To generate the Target Segment Measure report, you need to perform the following:

  1. Select a segmentation system.
  2. Select a target group.
  3. Select target(s).
  4. Select profile(s), the level of detail, and a sort method.
  5. Specify report output type, output delivery method, and report name.

To Learn More:

Target Segment Measures Report Generation - Walkthrough

Target Segment Measures - Interpretation & Calculations