CultureCode Socioeconomic Status Report

The Claritas CultureCode Socioeconomic Status report provides a detailed population overview broken out by socioeconomic status.

Socioeconomic status is a blend of income, education, occupation and housing characteristics. Households are grouped into common segments with an A-E status.

  • A (Upper Class): Households with over $85,000 annual household income, 4 year college degree or graduate degree, owned housing, and employed in professional occupations.
  • B (Upper-Middle Class): Households generally between $50,000 and $120,000 annual household income, some college or higher education, owned housing, professional or skilled occupation.
  • C (Middle Class): Households usually between $30,000 and $75,000 annual household income, high school graduate to some college, and employed as skilled labor or service worker.
  • D (Lower-Middle Class): Households typically between $15,000 and $35,000 annual household income, high school or lower education, rented housing, employed as service or labor worker.
  • E (Lower Class): Households most often below $20,000 annual household income; less than high school education; rented housing, labor or service worker or unemployed.

To generate the CultureCode Socioeconomic Status report, you need to perform the following:

  1. Select an analysis area and the level of detail.

NOTE:  Depending on the level of detail that you select, you may need to define your component geography and other additional options.

  1. Specify your preferred report generation method and the report name.