Pop-Facts Demographics Report

The Claritas Pop-Facts Demographics report allows you to view a variety of demographic details quickly. For each analysis area you select, details and summary information are provided for a host of demographic variables, including age, race, household size, income, ethnicity, and occupation. Detail information is estimated for the current year. Summary counts for census, current year estimate, and projected five-year population also are provided.

You can include aggregate totals, component totals or both for the selected analysis areas.

To generate the Pop-Facts® Demographics report, you need to perform the following:

  1. Define a geography or an analysis area, and specify the level of detail to include in your report.

NOTE:  Depending on the level of detail that you select, you may need to define your component geography and the method by which you want to include the geography. You may also enable or disable the Analysis Area Detaill option.

  1. Define the report sections to include, the report generation method, the report output format, your preferred notification method once the report has been generated, and the report name.

To Learn More:

Pop-Facts Demographics Report Generation Walkthrough