Business-Facts Summary Report

The Business-Facts® Summary Report provides summary information about employees, business types, and occupations within a selected analysis area. You can use the report to view the following:

  • The number of employees per occupation type and business type in an analysis area
  • A count of retail, service, healthcare, and construction and manufacturing companies in an analysis area
  • Three-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) summary information, including total establishments, total employees, and total sales by business type within an analysis area
  • The number of employees by NAICS or business type within a selected analysis area

  • Summarized business information within a selected analysis area

To generate the Business-Facts Summary report, you need to perform the following:

  1. Select a geography or an analysis area, and the level of detail to include in your report.

NOTE:  Depending on the level of detail that you select, you may need to define your component geography, the method by which you want to include the geography, and other additional options.

  1. Define the report sections to include, the report generation method, your preferred output type, output delivery notification method, and report name.