Location Detail Report

The Location Detail report returns standard or imported locations within user-defined or standard analysis areas. You can choose to report on either Claritas Business-Facts or your imported locations.

You can select any combination of variables from your imported locations or from Claritas Business-Facts in a single report.

You can use the report to:

  • View business types, locations, and employee counts within a specified analysis area.
  • Get a summary of location data, such as the count of locations or the number of single businesses with only 10-19 employees within an analysis area.

To generate the Location Detail report, you need to perform the following:

  1. Specify whether you want to use location or geography, and then select a point data set to use.

  2. Select the variable(s) that you want to use.
  3. Specify an analysis area and a sort method.
    (Optional) You can also enable the advanced options.
  4. Specify the report output type, output notification method, and report name.

To Learn More:

Create Location Detail Report Walkthrough