Profile Segment Consumption Report

The Profile Segment Consumption report displays consumption data, by segment, for products and services (profiles). Consumption profiles show how often or how much a segment uses a selected product or service. You can select any combination of custom profiles or syndicated profiles in a single report.

You can use the Profile Segment Consumption report to:

  • Identify the households that use a product or service by selecting one or more consumption profiles.
  • View each segment’s consumption data for a single profile (household counts, consumption frequency, market share and calculations).
  • View multiple consumption profiles side-by-side.
  • Compare the frequency with which each segment consumes different products.
  • Apply different Sort and Subtotal options to rank the profiles by count, concentration, users per 100 households, market share or indexes.

To generate the Profile Segment Consumption report, you need to perform the following:

  1. Select a segmentation system.
  2. Specify a profile and a sort method.
  3. Specify a report output type and the report name.

To Learn More:

Profile Segment Consumption Report - Interpretation & Calculations