Pop-Facts Executive Summary: Select a Base Analysis Type, an Analysis Area, and the Level of Detail

On the Step 1 screen, select your base geography type, the geography or analysis area for which you want to generate a report, and the level of detail that you want to include in your report.

Additional considerations:

  • When selecting the analysis areas or standard geographies you want to include in the report, clicking on the folder (without opening it) will select all areas contained within the folder.
  • Use the Search function to locate your desired analysis areas.
  • Use the Save Selection button to save your selected list of analysis areas for future use.
  • Use the Load Selection button to load a previously saved list of analysis areas.
  • You can specify to include details about your selected analysis area.
  • You can include a chart in your report.

(Optional) You can also specify to include details about your selected analysis area and additional items like map in your report.

After verifying your selections, click Next to proceed.

To Learn More:

What's Next:

Pop-Facts Executive Summary Report: Define the Report Generation Method, Output Format, and Report Name