Market Potential Report

The Market Potential Report compares current usage patterns for one or more product profiles in an analysis area. It calculates a Market Potential Index to help determine the potential for introducing new products and services, or for developing strategies for cross-selling products and services based on current consumption trends.

Profiles show the propensity/likelihood of a segment to use a product or service. You can select any combination of custom profiles or syndicated profiles in a single report.

You can use the Market Potential report to:

  • Identify opportunities for selling a product or service.
  • Identify analysis areas to find potential locations to promote products and services.
  • Compare usage patterns for your products, competitive products and similar products in one or more analysis areas.
  • View each analysis area’s usage and market potential data for a single profile (household counts, consumption frequency, market share and calculations).
  • View multiple profiles side-by-side.
  • Rank the penetration of products and services in one or more analysis areas.
  • Create an analysis area based on potential for one or more selected profiles. You can use the profiled analysis area for further research and reporting.

To generate the Market Potential report, you need to perform the following:

  1. Select a segmentation system and a base.
  2. Select profile(s).
  3. Select an analysis area and the level of detail.
  4. Specify the sort method, report output type and report name.

To Learn More:

Market Potential Report Generation - Walkthrough

The Math Behind the MPI Calculation

Market Potential Report - Interpretation & Calculations